dimpora’s own estimated support needed to scale.
A biodegradable and mineral-based membrane for outdoor wear, which is both waterproof and breathable, enabling outdoor enthusiasts to roam in nature without harming it.
Who would have thought that outdoor gear, designed to let humans get closer to nature, can actually be harmful to the environment. Toxic substances, like fluorine, are part of the issue. These have been added to garments to make them waterproof and breathable. While fluorine-free membranes have entered the market, there are still no alternatives that effectively and sustainably ensure both needs are covered. Until now.
The team behind dimpora has found a way to produce a biodegradable, mineral-based membrane. It leaves no traces of fluorine or other toxic substances – enabling outdoor enthusiasts to discover nature without harming it.
Impact Potential BY ACCENTURE
Waterproof, breathable material
with less environmental impact
850 metric tons of textiles enabled to
be saved from linear single use and
discarded textiles annually with the
Sane Membrane solution in 2030
Comparable to 940,000 jackets that
could be made with the saved textiles
Improved working conditions due to
no solvents used in production
The planet positive impact potential is estimated by Accenture with the purpose of demonstrating how dimpora has the potential to create multi-dimensional value when scaling.
The high-level estimation is based on dimpora’s product Sane Membrane’s potential to scale and its output in 2030 (~2.7 million rolling meters of Sane Membrane produced). Dimpora’s other product families have not been taken into consideration in this specific demonstration. The use of dimpora’s innovative Sane Membrane can enable savings of 850 metric tons of textiles per year from linear single use and discarded textiles in 2030, which is comparable to 940,000 jackets that could be made with the regained textiles.
The Sane Membrane is a waterproof, breathable material that uses significantly less chemicals, energy, reduces pollution and improves working conditions and health.
More on Accenture’s Impact Potential.
These materials are (A) for information purposes only, (B) do not constitute an offer to subscribe for, buy or sell securities of any of the Innovations mentioned herein or any other securities, and (C) should not be relied upon to make any investment decisions.
The team behind Dimpora is led by Dr. Anna Beltzung (PhD in Porous Polymer Chemistry ETHZ) and Dr. Mario Stucki (co-founder, PhD in Membrane Science ETHZ-Papent inventor). They are accompanied by Lucile Menand (R&D Eng. Chemistry/ Material Science), Emma Karttunen (R&D Eng. Riber and Polymer Technology), Nina Spörri (R&D Eng. Business Chemistry) and Camila Schmalz (Marketing and Community Manager).

- Finalist ZKB Pionierpreis Technopark (2021)
- Shortlisted Green Alley Award (2021)
- Finalist Vogue Yoox Challenge (2021)
- Finalist, Swiss Innovation Challenge (2020)
- Winner, Venture Kick (2019)
- Winner, H&M Foundation Global Change Award (2019)
Dr. Anna Beltzung, Co-founder and CTO
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See the start-up presentations to learn more.